Wishlist 2012-2013

June 10, 2012

So final year is about to end in a couple of months and then i become an intern. This time around i have a few things in mind that i want by the time i become an intern. I wish for an eventful booze filled constantly amusing, life changing, disastrously effective 1 year of absolute madness.

I want it all. And i need a few things before i get there.

So here’s the wishlist

an entry level bass guitar: i was supposed to get this a long time ago but living in the hostel in a room with excess furniture(courtesy my juvenile roommate) its impossible to set up a separate station after my keyboard. So anyway, once i get the apartment i am going to get one for sure.

A USB sound card. Now this is absolutely necessary. To record good vocals. Especially with the projects i have in mind and the collaboration with other local artists that i am looking forward to. We’ll work on some good stuff after September. Big plans i know, but they’re gonna come through (at least most will)

A good apartment. I want a single BHK apartment. No disturbance. I like being alone. Really, i do. Especially since most of my current hostel company is fubar’d. Too bad i guess.

Some good clothes for college. I wanna work with as much professionalism as i can muster this year. So no more dragging wrinkled, faded shirts or frayed trousers and dull lab-coats. I am going prime on this one.

A new phone. Preferably one of those xperia phones. They are powerful entertainment on the go systems for me and i wanna be occupied in clinics because having a conversation to pass time in clinics is similar to consuming large amounts of tang on a dry day. FUCK its annoying. Its like discussing stuff nobody gives a fuck about. At 22, listening to retarded jokes and muck about the women in my batch, is sad. I am not gonna be party to anything foolish. Stupid conversations piss me off. They are not remotely funny and they prove that people i hang out with are really just asswipes. SO a good phone’s gonna keep me occupied.

The golf half-set. Either i am going to get my father’s set or maybe i’ll buy a new one. Need a new hobby. Plus i think having paid for the establishment of Marena i should utilize the facility to some extent at least.

Custom-made vintage shades. Tear drops, baby. They are possibly the coolest piece of eyewear. SO simple and yet they feel awesome! My old pair broke but i still have the lenses so lets what we can do about it. And a new watch. This time i am going to get myself a good analog watch by casio. Or maybe a g-shock. I always loved those! Miss my old one man. It was the awesomest thing i ever owned.!

A new suit. Black. good fabric, light and this time i’ll spend some serious cash on it. The previous two were good but were made in a hurry. This one will be great. And I’m gonna wear it on college day!

Books! I know i am not gonna study that much but i’d still like a shot at trying. So some books for the MDS entrances are in order. Specifications can always be taken from seniors. I’ll ask Tejo or shree for it.

A bean bag. MAN i have wanted one since first year. It is SO comfortable and i can lie on it all day getting high or watching movies, pretty much doing whatever the fuck i want.

Altec Lansing speakers. This is a must have. Especially with the requirement of some good sound equipment. Not to mention the provisions for a good party (and yea..there will be partying. Lots of it.

I may not be able to get it all but i’ll try my best to live the last year of college the way i have envisioned it. Hopefully things will be awesome. Actually no matter what happens they’ll be awesome. So peace and cheers!

Mustang out.